Raagam Consulting, a private detective agency based in Pune conduct background checks for any person or company across India which can be helpful to verify that an individual is who they claim to be, and this provides an opportunity to check and confirm the validity of someone's criminal record, education, employment history, and other activities from their past.
A lot of organizations often make mistakes with their hiring and screening process as most of them end up recruiting the incorrect employee. It’s not only about the company or firm but individuals are also prone in making such mistakes like in search of the right matrimonial match for themselves.
All background Checks are done to mind the business of our client. We investigate to identify the loopholes and reduce your most prone risk factors. Most background checks provide information on an individual's education, employment history, criminal record, and other past activities.
We provide best service in different background checks like:
Pre-employment background check:
We, Raagam consulting can conduct comprehensive background screening services on a nationwide scale necessary in today's business environment. The most effective way to reduce employers’ exposure to negligent hiring and negligent retention lawsuits is to review an applicant/employee's past criminal history and other relatable details about them. A background check will show crimes that an individual committed and whether s/he was convicted, whether the claimed education degree is authentic or not, behaviour, nature , code of conduct , any psychological issues etc. Specifically, checking an applicant's criminal record may strengthen an employer's defence in the event s/he harms someone while on the job and the matter is taken to court.
We continuously strive to help you to provide a consistently high standard of service and understand the extensive enquiries related to the corporate sector. We discuss all the issues in complete confidential manner which is also included non-disclosure agreement where necessary. To obtain more comprehensive information related to our Corporate Investigation Services you may inquire with us on support@raagamconsulting.com

Post-employment background checks:
Background Check of Employees

Many employers do not realize, though, is that conducting routine, regular background checks after an employee is hired is a best practice that can help them remain compliant and aware of any new issues that may develop during the employee’s tenure with their company. Your background checking practices shouldn’t stop at the point of a job offer.
Employers may risk damage to their reputations and potential liability because of things their employees may be doing outside of the workplace. Post-hire background checks should be conducted regularly to help you stay informed of any relevant changes impacting your workforce.
Raagam Consulting , the leading detectives can help in post-employment background check so that it can help you to maintain safety at workplace, mitigate potential risk and protect your company from liability claims.
Business partner’s background checks:
Bringing a partner into your business can be one of the best strategic and financial moves you could make. It can bring valuable business skills and technical expertise to your enterprise along with some seed-money cash input. There are other factors, however, such as trust, ethics, personality differences and overall outlook that can play a role in how things work out.
But what if your move on business front and alliance is done without knowing much about the business partner. The red flags of other party can affect your business at the larger extent .
Trusted by many corporates, Raagam Consulting team can be of great choice here to help you in doing comprehensive check on your business partner’s financial standing, any defaults, credit worth, integrity, criminal history, assets information, education background, any ill or bad vices , character etc..
We continuously strive to help you to provide a consistently high standard
of service and understand the extensive enquiries related to the corporate
sector. We discuss all the issues in complete confidential manner which is
also included non-disclosure agreement where necessary. To obtain more
comprehensive information related to our Corporate Investigation Services
you may inquire with us on
Call on: +91-8600003557.
Mail: support@raagamconsulting.com