Why is space important in relationship

Relationships can be nurtured only if the right distance is maintained.

The right distance does not mean breaking the relationship or keeping the relationship dry, it does not mean that the one in front of you by limiting the worries and not sharing their thoughts.

By keeping our own existence, let others care properly.

The most important and necessary thing in a relationship is to give help and advice where and when asked.

Your experience is not like noodles that can be given to the person in two minutes. Experience comes with age.

Exactly this is forgotten and we consider it our duty to enrich others with our experiences.

These are the things that are necessary to show your self-respect in a relationship, we always give everything to the other person without asking even if it is not required.

Some experiences are our own which can be done by our own growth, we don't accept it or we are not willing to convince it even if we understand it.
This is exactly where the relationship starts, we get avoided or ignored and we don't understand where exactly we went wrong?

Everyone has to walk on their own path for their growth, but that is the basic desire of every person.

We attack exactly the basic thing in this relationship. Begins to snatch him with your care and love.

The result of all this means the relationship has to fade. The beginning is by avoiding communication and then slowly the person is avoided.

This is why the right distance in relationships always works. That's why relationships are nurtured, and also preserved. Relationship and the right distance. That's it....

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